Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

No Day Without Darkness In The Light

I and myself are always mindful of death

who always expect honesty

these will be continued when I was in the world

or I'll swallow the darkness hilan GDI

who knows nothing about me

though not heard

liver did not utter

all of it continues as usual

without having been there with me

accompanied by the darkness that preoccupied dsana

without your light with me

O creator of the earth and the entire contents of this universe

Concerning the entire universe and what happens to the other world and why it could happen

anomaly in the world is something that nobody can describe with words, although words can not know existed in each net n our lives together there are over there under heaven and hell heaven and earth is something that is usually measured by eye.

 queen tree depicting the power plant in the world who are born beautiful like something created in this world who watch over the arrival of the king in front of him when it arrived all plants will be happy very happy that


 Space is something that is without boundaries in this world that emerged among the various phenomena that will shift the sun in the late 22 century and the number of collection set near earth asteroid indicating something would happen to the earth it's not just according to experts experts will affect the shift of the sun and space time between pelanet so big will happen in the natural disasters this emesta but we can only pray to god about what will happen in the future because that's all we can do ...../////?????

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Kiamat 2012 dan Ramalan Suku Maya meksiko

Kiamat 2012 dan Ramalan Suku Maya

Kiamat akan terjadi di tahun 2012, benarkah itu?
Isu itulah yang kini sedang hangat dibicarakan oleh hampir semua orang baik di media elektronik maupun di media cetak. Rupanya orang takut juga ya sama mati.....bukannya kiamat itu sama dengan mati?
Kejadian kiamat di tahun 2012 ini selalu dikaitkan dengan ramalan Suku Maya. Siapakah Suku Maya itu? Kenapa ramalan mereka menjadi hal yang sangat diperhatikan oleh semua orang?
Suku Maya adalah sekelompok suku yang tinggal di Semenanjung Yucatan, Amerika Tengah yang berbatasan dengan Samudera Pasifik di sebelah Barat, dan laut Karibia di sebelah Timur. Pada zaman batu, suku ini mencapai kejayaannya di bidang teknologi (250 M - 925 M). Mereka menghasilkan karya dan peradaban yang unik seperti bangunan (Chichenltza), pertanian (kanal drainase), tanaman jagung dan latex, dan sumurnya yang disebut "cenotes".
Cara Suku Maya berkomunikasi dan mendokumentasikan tulisan yaitu dengan gambar dan simbol yang disebut "glyph". Ada dua macam glyph, yaitu yang menampilkan gambar utuh sebagaimana yang dimaksudkan, dan tipe yang menggambarkan sesuatu yang sesuai dengan suku katanya.
Misalnya kata "balam = jaguar", digambarkan dengan kepala binatang tersebut, atau dengan suku kata "ba-la-ma" yang terdiri dari tiga gambar sejenis mangkok / tempurung.
Suku Maya juga mengenal kecantikan seseorang, dengan membuat tempurung kepalanya menjadi rata, dengan cara mengikatkan papan di dahi dan tempurung belakang pada bayi / kelahiran anak, sehingga setelah dewasa nanti mereka merasa anggun dengan memiliki tulang dahi yang rata.
Gambar di bawah ini adalah salah satu warga Suku Maya yang sedang berada di rumahnya, cekidot he.....

Suku Maya juga dikenal sebagai suku yang sangat memperhatikan masalah perbintangan. Nah, mungkin karena mereka sangat concern terhadap masalah perbintangan maka mereka mempunyai perhitungan tersendiri terhadap kejadian-kejadian yang bakal menimpa bumi berkaitan dengan kejadian-kejadian di angkasa luar sana, alhasil dalam perhitungan mereka bahwa di tahun 2012 nanti akan terjadi suatu hal yang sangat luar biasa yang disebut-sebut sebagai kiamat...
Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa kiamat akan terjadi karena planet X dan masih banyak lagi pendapat-pendapat lainnya. Sebagai orang yang beragama, kita tentu harus meyakini bahwa kiamat itu pasti terjadi hanya saja kita tidak akan pernah tahu kapan hal itu akan terjadi karena hanya Tuhan yang tahu.
Bagi para korban Tsunami Aceh beberapa tahun silam, mungkin mereka menyangka bahwa saat itulah kiamat terjadi karena begitu dahsyatnya air bah tersebut. Demikian juga halnya ketika terjadi gempa di Padang Pariaman beberapa waktu lalu. Yang jelas, dalam gambaran yang diberikan oleh Al-Qur'an maupun kitab-kitab agama lainnya, kejadian kiamat adalah kejadian yang sangat dahsyat yang tidak pernah bisa kita bayangkan betapa alam dunia ini akan hancur.
Yang perlu kita lakukan saat ini adalah mengintrospeksi diri agar selalu dekat dengan Tuhan. Tidak masalah kapan kiamat itu akan terjadi selama kita berada dalam lindungan Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam.
Bila kita mau jujur, kita pasti mengakui bahwa kita telah sering melampaui batas-batas hukum Tuhan. Kita sudah terlalu sering melanggar aturan Tuhan. Bahkan dalam hal-hal tertentu kita sering congkak terhadap Tuhan.
Ada seorang ahli astronomi dalam sebuah wawancara televisi mengatakan bahwa apabila kejadian pada tahun 2012 nanti adalah banyaknya meteor yang jatuh ke Bumi, itu bisa ditangani dengan kemampuan teknologi manusia. Dengan bangga dia mengatakan bahwa tinggal kita tembak saja meteor itu dengan nuklir, maka tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan.
Benarkah teknologi manusia begitu hebatnya? Lalu, kenapa teknologi itu tidak bisa menghentikan Tsunami Aceh, gempa Padang Pariaman dan bencana lainnya? Itu menandakan betapa lemahnya manusia.
So, tetaplah menjadi manusia yang tunduk pada Tuhan, menjalankan segala perintah-Nya dan menjauhi segala larangan-Nya. Kapanpun kita mati, Insya Allah kita senantiasa berada dalam ridha-Nya. Amin.

Ramalan suku maya 2012 ternyata

Kalender suku Maya

Tahun 2012 Bumi akan dihancurkan kembali?

Pada sistem penanggalan didalam Kalender Bangsa Maya/Maya Calendar yg merupakan kalender paling akurat hingga kini yg pernah ada di bumi. (Perhitungan Maya Calendar dari 3113 SM sampai 2012 M), mereka (Bangsa Maya) menyatakan pada tahun 2012, tepatnya tanggal 21 Desember 2012, merupakan "End of Times". Maksud dari "End of Times" itu sendiri masih diperdebatkan oleh para ilmuwan, dan arkeolog.

Ada yang menyatakan bahwa maksudnya adalah :

1. Berhentinya waktu (bumi berhenti berputar)
2. Peralihan dari Zaman Pisces ke Aquarius
3. Peralihan dari Abad Silver ke Abad keemasan
4. End of Times = End of the World as we know it
5. Akan ada sebuah galactic Wave yang besar, yang memberhentikan semua kegiatan di muka bumi ini, termasuk kemusnahan manusia
6. Perubahan dari dimensi 3 ke dimensi 4, bahkan 5
7. Kehidupan manusia meningkat dari level dimensi 3, ke 4, DNA manusia meningkat dari strain 2 ke 12, sehingga manusia dapat menggunakan telepati bahkan telekinesis
8. Ada yang menyatakan tidak akan terjadi apa-apa
9. Ada yang menyatakan waktu sudah tidak akan berlaku, jadi waktu tidak linear, tetapi bisa berubah-ubah, sesuai dengan waktu yang kita alami, karena ditemukannya mesin waktu
10. Ditemukannya mesin waktu dan stargate
11. Manusia sudah dapat melakukan transportasi ke galaxi lain, melalui stargate
12. Bangkitnya messiah, yang akan menyelamatkan manusia dari kehancuran
13. Kebangkitan Isa AS / Jesus
14. First Contact pertama kali peradaban manusia dengan Alien/UFO
15. Manusia bergabung dengan komunitas antar galaxi pertama kali, manusia = galaxy being

Dalam kalender bangsa Maya yang sangat tersohor itu, diramalkan bahwa pada periode 1992-2012 bumi akan “dimurnikan”, selanjutnya peradaban manusia sekarang ini akan berakhir dan mulai memasuki peradaban baru.

Rabu, 11 November 2009

naruto history

Madara Uchiha (うちはマダラ, Uchiha Madara), who posed as Tobi[2] (トビ) when first introduced, is a founder of Konohagakure, Akatsuki and the Uchiha clan[1]. When he joined Akatsuki as Tobi, replacing Sasori, he was partnered with Deidara, revealing himself as Madara after Deidara's death. He has been recognized by Kisame Hoshigaki as once being the Mizukage of Kirigakure, although it is unknown when. He is the latest introduced antagonist of the series.



edit Background

Madara as he appeared during Konoha's founding.

Decades before the start of the series, Madara grew up in constant competition with his younger brother, Izuna Uchiha, who were both known as the most gifted members of their clan. Their competition led to both gaining the Mangekyo Sharingan, and, with it, they were able to take control of the Uchiha clan, Madara acting as its leader. Even by his clan's standards, Madara's chakra was unusually strong. Under his leadership, the clan conquered all they came across, but, over time, he began to lose his sight because of the Mangekyo Sharingan. To regain his vision, he took his brother's eyes (an act Madara said his brother had consented to), allowing him to continue to lead the Uchiha to prosperity.

In the years that followed, the Uchiha constantly clashed with the equally powerful Senju clan. To bring an end to the constant fighting, the leader of the Senju, Hashirama Senju, approached the Uchiha with an offering of peace. Although Madara never wanted peace with the Senju, the rest of the Uchiha wanted to end the fighting, and Madara had no choice but to go along with their decision. The Senju, the Uchiha, and all the clans they had conquered came together to form the village of Konohagakure. Against Madara's wishes, the villagers selected Hashirama as the village's First Hokage. Madara feared that Hashirama would oppress the Uchiha, and tried to rally support for challenging his leadership. Rather than help him, however, the Uchiha turned their backs on him, believing his only motives were due to pride and the desire for more power.

Madara's statue at the Valley of the End.

Abandoned by his clan, Madara left the village, later returning in order to challenge Hashirama in battle. They fought at the site that would someday be called the Valley of the End, where, although Madara called upon the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, he was defeated, and was believed to have died. Madara faded into memory, and, in time, would found Akatsuki and become Kirigakure's Mizukage. He also appears to have fought Onoki the Tsuchikage at one point in his life as noted by the Current Raikage although the results of that battle were left unclear.

Twelve years before the start of the series, the Nine-Tails attacked Konoha. Although Madara denied having had any involvement in the attack, Itachi Uchiha and Minato Namikaze said that the Nine-Tails was under Madara's control at the time. A few years later, he infiltrated Konoha to try and rekindle the flames of war. He was found by Itachi first, who convinced Madara to spare the village in exchange for helping to wipe out the Uchiha clan for deserting him decades earlier. Madara complied, training Itachi and providing assistance. Itachi never truly trusted Madara, however, and kept an eye on him for the rest of his life.

edit Tobi

Madara's mask at the time he met Itachi.

To keep in Akatsuki's shadow, Madara eventually took on the disguise of Tobi,[2] giving orders to Pain in secret. He wears an orange, swirl-patterned mask that reveals only his right eye. When he trained Itachi, he wore a slightly different mask with black swirl-like patterns on it, and his hair was cut a little shorter. His hair is cut down completely from the days of Konoha's founding, and he wears a uniform consisting of a number of bolts and pins, which is usually concealed by his Akatsuki cloak.[3]

While acting as Tobi, he is carefree and goofy, something that annoys most of the other members. Deidara, who believed all within Akatsuki should be serious and calm, was not pleased with Tobi's childish personality, and frequently attacked the latter in a comedic fashion when annoyed. Apparently, Madara is very committed to keeping his identity secret, as he has been seen keeping up his goofy appearance even when no-one was around (at least during the anime's filler arc). Kisame and Zetsu, on the other hand, somewhat appreciate Tobi's ability to brighten up a gloomy organization such as theirs.[4] However, once his identity is revealed to everyone in Akatsuki, "Tobi" has abandoned his goofy nature and adopted Madara's personality.

edit Personality

Compared to his Tobi persona, Madara's true personality is considerably calmer and more serious, but he still has a habit of joking and disrespecting everyone around him. Despite his current limitations in battle, he is extremely arrogant, insulting even the strongest ninja to their faces and treating Akatsuki members as mere tools. There are only a handful of exceptions that he admires.

Madara has shown great ability in manipulating others to do his work for him. Minato believed that he was using Pain's ideology against him in order to control him. He similarly befriended Sasuke in order to get him to join Akatsuki by telling him about Itachi's past, even though he has an apparent interest in Sasuke and his abilities. He appears to have a somewhat twisted outlook with respect to this, often avoiding responsibility by claiming that people acted voluntarily when they were really coerced or manipulated by him.

Madara possesses an extreme hatred towards the Senju clan and Konohagakure, as he is a descendant of the elder brother who was passed over being the successor of the Sage of the Six Paths. This hatred was compounded when the Senju stripped the Uchiha of their powers and subdued them after the founding of the village, which chose Hashirama Senju to be Hokage over him. Madara admired Hashirama the most for his power, but loathed him the most for being a Senju. This hatred led Madara to a life dedicated to revenge. Madara believes that all Uchiha are destined to walk the same path of revenge against the Senju and Konohagakure, and that Naruto, who has inherited the Senju's Will of Fire, is fated to battle Sasuke, even if Madara himself must force them to do so.

Perhaps as a consequence of his old age, Madara seems to enjoy sitting down and taking his time with things, especially when telling stories.

edit Part II

[edit] Rescue Gaara arc

After the death of Sasori, Madara, as Tobi, appeared with Zetsu collecting Sasori's ring. He expressed interest in joining Akatsuki, believing that finding the ring would grant him membership. They then found Deidara's arm and the ring it wore, believing Deidara to be dead too. When Deidara appeared and demanded that Tobi give him his arm back, Tobi refused, prompting Deidara to try and choke him to death.

[edit] Three-Tails Arrival arc

Tobi and Deidara's debut as a team

Tobi was accepted into Akatsuki as Sasori's replacement and Deidara's new partner. He was assigned to capture the Three-Tailed Giant Turtle, and Deidara accompanied him. In the anime, during their search, they stopped to get a bite to eat at a dango shop, and Deidara waited anxiously for Tobi to remove his mask so that he could see what he looked like underneath, but he turned away, hiding his face. When he finished his dango, they split up and went in different directions. Tobi eventually found the lake and saw Sakura, Shizune, Hinata, and Ino on the lake using the Four-Corner Sealing Barrier. He then figured out that the technique was to seal the Three-Tails, and went after Deidara to inform him of his discovery.

After Tobi watched Deidara kill two ANBU, he congratulated him. They both discovered the Three-Tails inside the lake. Deidara used his clay to make it appear outside, after which Tobi tried to convince Deidara to fight it in his place. The beast began chasing him, and Deidara used one of his bombs on it while it was distracted. The rest of the battle went unseen. Afterwards, Tobi started talking about how his jutsu was flawless, and now he understood why he had been assigned to the mission. Deidara retored that he wouldn't have got far without his clay. Tobi later fell asleep atop the Three-Tails after making another cheeky comment, much to the anger of Deidara, who "woke him up" by detonating a clay bomb next to him.

[edit] Hunt for Uchiha arc

Before sealing the Four-Tailed Monkey, Akatsuki learned Sasuke Uchiha had defeated Orochimaru. Once the sealing was complete, Deidara, angry that he had not got to kill Orochimaru, brought Tobi with him to kill Sasuke instead. They found and confronted Sasuke, and Tobi was given the job of providing assistance for Deidara during the battle. After some initial taunting from the duo, Sasuke surprised them both with his extreme speed and ran his sword straight through Tobi, apparently disembowelling him. Tobi then suddenly stood up again, complaining about the speed of the attack. The battle ultimately didn't go in Deidara's favor, so he used C0 in an effort to kill Sasuke at the loss of his own life. Zetsu reported to the remaining members of Akatsuki that Tobi had been killed too, prompting Pain to remark that he was easily replaceable.

It was soon revealed, however, that Tobi had survived, as he met with Pain and Konan in Amegakure. Tobi was now shown in a completely different light, and was revealed to actually be Madara, the real leader of Akatsuki. His entire demeanor and personality had changed during the appearance. He commented that Sasuke was developing nicely, and then instructed Pain to capture Naruto Uzumaki, the host of the Nine-Tails. He later appeared to distract the 8-Man Squad as Tobi while Sasuke fought with Itachi. The Konoha ninja had no success in striking him with their attacks, so Shino Aburame volunteered to fight Madara one-on-one. With his bugs, Shino was able to box-in and catch Madara, but Madara was able to escape from this as well. Zetsu then arrived to inform him that Sasuke had killed Itachi. Madara pointed out that he had known that this would be the outcome, and went to see Sasuke. Before leaving, his Sharingan was spotted by Kakashi.

Madara slightly taking off his mask.

Madara tended to Sasuke's wounds and, when he woke up, offered to tell him about Itachi. Madara tried to befriend Sasuke by removing his mask and revealing his Sharingan eye, something that caused Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan to form in Sasuke's left eye and which made him use Amaterasu on Madara, who quickly retreated into the darkness of the cave. After stopping the black flames, Madara then appeared again with his mask back on, and began to muse about how Itachi never ceased to amaze him.[5] After Sasuke asked what he was talking about, Madara revealed that Itachi had most likely set it up so that the sight of his Sharingan would trigger the Amaterasu he had sealed within Sasuke. After Sasuke complained that he was making no sense, Madara revealed that it was to protect him, and, when Sasuke still didn't believe him, Madara said how it all must sound crazy but assured him that he was telling the truth, and introduced himself as the man who had helped Itachi on that fateful night. He told Sasuke about the Uchiha clan's history, Itachi's secret life, and the lengths he had gone to keep Sasuke and Konoha out of harm's way. Sasuke, regretting that he had killed Itachi now that he knew the truth, resolved to destroy Konoha for forcing Itachi into the life he had lived.

[edit] Hunt for the Eight-Tails arc

Madara convinced Sasuke and the other members of Taka to start working with Akatsuki, the two groups having Konoha's destruction as a mutual goal. Before they could do that, however, he stated that Akatsuki needed the two remaining tailed beasts. Since Pain was still working on capturing Naruto, Madara sent Taka to capture the Eight-Tailed Giant Ox. After Taka left, Madara spoke with Zetsu, discussing Akatsuki's actions up to that point. He went on to say that, although they had lost five talented ninja which were Sasori,Deidara,Hidan,Kakuzu and Itachi, all of their efforts had brought him closer to "making Sasuke his".

After Taka captured the Eight-Tails' host, Sasuke gave it to Madara for Akatsuki to seal. During the extraction process, it was revealed to be a fake. Madara was shown to remain silent, as Kisame commented that Sasuke had been fooled in the latter's attempt to capture the jinchūriki.[6]

[edit] Invasion of Pain arc

After Nagato's death, Zetsu, after seeing (and "recording") everything that had transpired in Konoha, went back to the Akatsuki hideout to explain the situation to Madara. He pointed out that Konan was not coming back to Akatsuki, with Nagato being dead. Analyzing everything, Madara then sent Kisame to retrieve and capture the Eight-Tails, in which Taka had failed, as he said that he himself had "another matter to attend to".

[edit] Five Kage Summit arc

Madara teleporting infront of Taka.

Anticipating Sasuke's betrayal, Madara intercepted Sasuke and his team on their way to Konoha. Madara revealed that Konoha had already been destroyed, and that Naruto had single-handedly defeated Pain. Madara also explained that Danzo had been made the acting Sixth Hokage, and was scheduled to meet with the other Kage on the matter of Akatsuki. After Sasuke left with Taka to kill Danzo at the summit, Madara explained to Zetsu that Nagato had betrayed him, as he had used Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, and stated that it was supposed to be for him. Madara also explained that he had planned to sync Sasuke with the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, and that Naruto had "thrown a wrench" into his plans. Madara then decided that it was time to come out of the shadows and to commence with the "Moon's Eye Plan" (月の眼計画, Tsuki no Me Keikaku).

He is seen at the Land of Iron with the black half of Zetsu, ordering him to "begin". He later appears behind Naruto asking to have a chat with him when Naruto tries to attack him with a surprise Rasengan. Madara is then captured by Yamato's Mokuton jutsu and Kakashi appears behind him, threatening him with a Raikiri. Madara then goes on to say that none of their attacks will work on him and states again that he only wants to talk. Naruto then asks Madara about Sasuke, and Madara begins to tell Naruto of the man "eaten up by the ninja world's hatred and bitterness". He continues to tell Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato of the truth about Itachi and that Sasuke chose vengeance against Konoha on his own as his goal. Madara then tells them how Uchiha and Senju are descendants of Sage of the Six Paths and that Sasuke and Naruto were "chosen by fate". He tells Naruto that he will eventually have to fight Sasuke or rather, Madara will make him. He then states that he will use Sasuke to "verify the Uchiha clan's being." When Kakashi asks what Madara wants with the tailed beasts then, Madara reveals that it is "to become whole," before teleporting away. He is later seen in the five Kage's summit room, holding an unconscious Sasuke, telling everyone present there that he wants to talk to them about his Eye of the Moon plan.

Before Madara began, he teleported both Karin and Sasuke to a safe place, and told the Kage that he sent Sasuke to the summit as a means of improving his abilities and hopefully allow him to capture the Kage. Madara then explains that the Uchiha have a secret inscription that must be read in order of the Sharingan, the Mangekyo Sharingan, and finally the Rinnegan. The inscription told of how the Sage of the Six Paths saved the world from the original Tailed beast, the Ten-Tailed Beast, sealing the beast into himself becoming the first jinchūriki, and upon his deathbed divided the Ten-Tails power into nine separate beasts, and sealed it's body into the moon. Madara's plan is to use their collective power to combine once again make the Ten-Tails whole and make himself its jinchūriki. With it's power he would cast an "infinite" Tsukuyomi (無限月読, Mugen Tsukuyomi), on the world, uniting the world in a permanent genjutsu.

After revealing his plan, he orders the remaining Kage to give him Naruto and Killer Bee or there would be unavoidable war, a war in which he would use the tailed beasts he already has. When they refuse, Madara declares the Fourth Great Shinobi World War. He then teleports after saying the next time they meet will be on the battlefield.

edit Abilities

Most of Madara's abilities are still unknown. He is thought to be the strongest Uchiha to ever live, and one of the most gifted ninja in history. He was described as a "very powerful ninja" by Minato Namikaze himself. He has also been noted to have been born with particularly powerful chakra, which he states is the reason for his "stubborn refusal to die". Even the Nine-Tails mentioned that Madara's chakra is even more sinister than its own. One of the abilities he has actually displayed is his speed, which, as Tobi, was apparently his only claim to fame. To that end, Kisame commented "he is a good runner". Madara also appears to have immense strength, as he was able to stop a slash from Suigetsu's giant sword with a single arm.[7] Onoki has alluded to Madara's full power in his prime by stating he should be capable of taking on all of the Kages at one time with no problems.[8]

He was armed with a giant kusarigama war fan attached to it during the time of Konoha's founding, fitting with his clan's name, which means "paper fan". He is also said to have been able to summon the Nine-Tails. It is unclear if this referred to the use of the Summoning Technique or if he could produce enough human malice to bring it to his location.

However, despite all the high-caliber power he has shown so far, Madara himself claims that the wound he received from Hashirama Senju has left him powerless, an empty shell of his former self.

[edit] Mangekyo Sharingan

Madara's "Eternal" Mangekyo Sharingan.

During Itachi's fight with Sasuke, it was revealed that Madara Uchiha and his younger brother, Izuna, were the first members of the Uchiha to activate the Mangekyo Sharingan, and used its power to take over the clan. After blindness threatened him with the use of the Mangekyo Sharingan, he implanted his brother's eyes into his own body. Madara then awakened a new "Eternal" Mangekyo Sharingan, a combination of his own and Izuna's Mangekyo Sharingan which led to him acquiring immortality. With it, Madara never had to fear the risk of losing his eyesight again. Madara's knowledge and mastery of this powerful Dojutsu allowed him to fight on par with Hashirama, and also gave him the power to forcibly subdue the Nine-Tails.

[edit] Teleportation

Madara teleporting Sasuke away to another dimension.

Madara shows the ability to recover from debilitating or even fatal blows. After being slashed across the midsection by Sasuke's sword, he collapsed, only to stand up again a few seconds later and complain about the speed of the attack.[9] The same things occurred when Naruto hit him in the back with a Rasengan, where the attack literally phased through him, avoiding damage.[10] His ability's consistency is confirmed when Sasuke attempted a Chidori on him, and, as predicted, he phased through Madara as Naruto had done earlier.[11]

Madara also shows the ability to travel long distances within relatively short timespans, escaping the final explosion created by Deidara and reappearing in Amegakure within a very short period. It was speculated by Kakashi that he uses spacetime Ninjutsu to instantly send himself or even parts of his body to different locations or some sort of void and then instantly bring them back. It is revealed that Madara can find the exact location of a person and warp himself to that place, stating that it is in his power. He has also shown the ability to teleport others, apparently to a separate dimension within his eye.

edit Past Speculation

Before Tobi was revealed to be Madara Uchiha, several fans hypothesized that he was Obito Uchiha, as his only shown eye was the opposite of the eye that was inserted into Kakashi. They also have similar personalities, as well as the same hairstyles. The spelling of Obito was also similar to Tobi, creating the fan reference of ObiTobi, or Tobito. Even though Tobi has been referred and revealed as Madara several times in the series, some fans still insist that Obito is somehow connected to Tobi or Madara.

edit Trivia

  • The phrase "Tobi is a good boy" has proven to be very popular among the Naruto community. Although not said by Tobi himself (Zetsu's white half actually uttered the phrase to his black half after stating Tobi's intentions of joining Akatsuki wasn't so simple to accomplish), many have found the comment to be rather hilarious and, as such, Tobi is depicted as a carefree child or a good-natured character in many fanmade art and videos on YouTube while incorporating the phrase. Many have altered the phrase, after Tobi revealing that he is Madara, saying "Tobi is a bad boy".
  • Madara (斑) can be translated as "spots". Tobi can be translated as "jump" (飛), or as "kite" (鳶). The latter translation connects Tobi with Taka through the Japanese proverb "a hawk born from a kite" (鳶が鷹を生む, tobi ga taka o umu), meaning that an extraordinarily gifted child can be born from ordinary parents.
  • Tobi's first video game appearance is in Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Accel 3
  • According to the third Naruto databook (despite Tobi and Madara being the same person, the databook gives them separate entries):
    • Madara's hobby is falconry. As Tobi, his hobby is accompanying "Deidara-senpai".
    • Madara's favorite food is inarizushi, while his least favorite is roe.
    • Madara's favorite phrase is "beating someone hands down" (鎧袖一触, Gaishū Isshoku). As Tobi, his favorite phrase is given as "secret (?)" (秘密 (?), himitsu (?)).
  • Tobi's mask made a cameo appearance in the ending omake of Shippuden Episode 129 along with Baki's face and Haku's mask

sejarah naruto 2

Sejarah Naruto

Naruto dilahirkan pada 10 Oktober, tahunnya tidak diketahui. Asal usul ibu bapak dan saudaranya yang lain masih merupakan misteri. Sejak dilahirkan lagi, syaitan musang berekor sembilan, Kyubi no Yoko yang cuba membinasakan Konoha dikurung dalam badan Naruto oleh AYAHNYA HOKAGE KE EMPAT. Ayah Naruto Namikaze Minato merupakan Hokage generasi keempat manakala ibunya bernama Uzumaki Kushina. Naruto mempunyai wajah seiras ayahnya manakala sifatnya lebih serupa dengan ibunya yang merupakan seorang tomboy ketika kecil sebelum menjadi wanita cantik ketika dewasa.

Hokage Keempat berhajat agar orang kampung melihat Naruto sebagai seorang wira yang terpaksa memendam Kyubi. Malangnya, seluruh warga kampung menaruh kebencian dan kemarahan yang marak terhadap si kecil Naruto karena Kyubi pernah mengacaukan ketenangan Konoha. Malah Naruto sendiri tidak mengetahui kewujudan makhluk tersebut dalam dirinya sehingga dia mencecah usia dua belas tahun.Uzumaki Kushina, adalah ibu Naruto.
Mujurlah Naruto berpeluang mengenali seorang guru yang penyayang lagi berdedikasi di akademi yaitu seorang ninja Chunin, Umino Iruka. Walaupun orang tua Iruka mati dalam tangan Kyubi, Iruka tidak menyalahkan Naruto. Iruka menerima Naruto dan bersimpati terhadap niat Naruto untuk dikenali oleh orang kampung. Iruka mungkin merupakan orang pertama yang benar-benar mempercayai Naruto dan meninggalkan impak besar terhadapnya. Naruto akhirnya berjaya mengatasi perasaan sedih dan sunyi kerana kehadiran Iruka sebagai pengganti ibu bapaknya.

Sebelum tamat pengajian di Akademi, Naruto telah lama mengimpikan dirinya dikenali dan diterima orang banyak. Dia akan bermain dan bergurau di seluruh kampungnya untuk menarik perhatian. Pernah juga Naruto menconteng grafiti pada muka monumen Hokage dengan cat dan merupakan dirinya sebagai gadis seksi yang tidak berpakaian untuk menimbulkan kemarahan guru-guru. Naruto juga memaklumkan kepada mereka yang memandang rendah terhadapnya bahwa dia akan menjadi Hokage suatu masa nanti. Setelah tamat pengajian, Naruto akhirnya dicam sebagai “Ninja Bising, Mustahil untuk Dijangka dan Hiperaktif Nomor Satu” di Konoha oleh Hatake Kakashi.

Sikap gigih dan tidak mudah mengalah menyebabkan Naruto berjaya mempengaruhi watak-watak lain di sekelilingnya. Pada mulanya, Naruto bersahabat dengan Konohamaru, cucu Hokage Ketiga. Konohamaru akhirnya memahami bahwa yang bulat tak datang bergolek, yang pipih tak datang melayang dan sesungguhnya usaha itu tangga kejayaan. Walaupun tampak dekil dan sedikit bodoh, Naruto boleh mengalahkan pihak lawan melalui semangat yang kental, teknik mengalih perhatian lawan yang bijak dan nasib baik semata-mata.

Naruto suka bergurau walaupun kadang kala gurauannya mengandungi elemen yang tak lucu. Biasanya, Naruto sering ketawa dan senyum (pada sesetengah ketika, Naruto senyum untuk menyembunyikan masalahnya; hanya mereka yang benar-benar rapat dengannya boleh mengetahui perasaan sebenarnya Naruto). Dari segi luaranya, Naruto hanyalah seorang budak yang tidak menonjol, bising, panas baran, mempunyai jiwa kental dan selalu terlibat dalam masalah.

Salah satu dari pada hobi Naruto ialah berkebun walaupun Naruto tidak dapat membesarkan herbal dari rumpai (disiarkan dalam episode 20). Naruto juga menghadiahi Kakashi Mr. Ukki, tumbuhan pasu yang boleh dilihat di tepi tingkap Kakashi.

Naruto mengunakan Rasengan.
Naruto juga menjadi matang dengan cepat sejajar dengan perkembangan cerita tetapi masih kebudak-budakan dari segi pemilihan aksesori. Pakaian tidurnya selalu diiringi dengan topi malam yang dihiasi sepasang mata dan gigi. uangnya disimpan di dalam dompet hijau berupa katak yang dipanggil Gama-chan.

Naruto suka makan dan mempunyai selera seperti Akimichi Choji. Makanan kegemaran Naruto, ramen seolah-olah bertindak sebagai penghubung antara Naruto dengan siapa yang sudi membayar bil nanti. Dalam banyak episode, dilihat Naruto boleh menghabiskan beberapa mangkuk aneka rasa ramen.

Musang Berekor Sembilan.
Sebagai perumah bagi setan serigala, Kyubi, tubuh dan minda Naruto kadang kala dipengaruh olehnya. Secara fisik, Naruto mempunyai sedikit ciri-ciri Kyubi seperti tanda di pipinya. Matanya juga sipit seperti serigala. Naruto memiliki stamina dan daya pemulihan yang tinggi yang membolehkan Naruto sembuh daripada kecederaan parah dalam sehari dua dan luka kecil dalam beberapa saat. Memandangkan Kyubi telah dikurung dalam Naruto sejak bayi, adalah tidak diketahui sejauh mana personaliti Naruto dipengaruhi oleh Kyubi. Namun, terdapat kemungkinan bahwa Kyubi menyebabkan Naruto sangat nakal dan suka membuat kesal orang lain untuk mendapat perhatian dan untuk tidak mengaku kalah dalam setiap pertarungan.

Tahap cakra Naruto adalah sangat tinggi karena Kyubi. Ebisu pernah menyatakan bahwa daya pengawalan cakra Naruto adalah lemah karena sebagian dari cakranya digunakan untuk membendung cakra Kyubi yang terlalu kuat (cakra Kyubi yang luar biasa ini boleh membahayakan Naruto jika dibebaskan dengan terlalu banyak). Kakashi pula mengatakan bahwa kekuatan kyubi lebih kuat dari kekuatan Naruto sendiri. Maka, Naruto amat sesuai mengendalikan jurus yang memerlukan banyak cakra seperti ‘Teknik Pengagihan Bayang’ (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu). Ninja lain dapat menghasilkan beberapa klon saja dengan sempurna karena jurus ini menghendaki penggunanya membagikan cakranya dengan tepat kepada klon-klon yang dihasilkan, berlainan pula dengan Naruto yang mampu menghasilkan 2000 klon dan pada masa yang sama, membekalkan sejumlah cakra yang mencukupi kepada setiap klon.

Cakra Kyubi selalu menjadi lebih nyata apabila Naruto menghadapi saat-saat genting untuk memastikan Naruto (dan juga Kyubi sendiri) dapat terus hidup. Kemudian nanti, Naruto berupaya menghubungi Kyubi dan meminta cakranya. Hal ini karena Kyubi dikurung dalam badan Naruto, cakranya masih boleh mengalir keluar untuk bersatu dengan cakra Naruto. Tambahan pula, kekuatan cakra Kyubi yang hampir dalam menyebabkan Kyubi merupakan senjata terunggul bagi Naruto dalam pertempuran yang sengit. Apabila Naruto menggunakan cakra Kyubi, ketangkasan dan kekuatannya meningkat secara mendadak. Kadang kecederaannya pulih turut meningkat. Oleh sebab staminanya berlipat ganda, Naruto boleh terus melawan tanpa merasa letih. Naruto biasanya boleh memendamkan cakra Kyubi sebelum transformasi ekor berlaku. Seandainya hal itu terjadi, cakra Kyubi akan menjadi lebih nyata dengan masa. Beberapa boleh dilakukan untuk memendamkan semua cakra Kyubi seperti jampi pengurung Jiraiya atau teknik mengurung Yamato.

Apabila Naruto mula-mula menggunakan cakra Kyubi, Naruto belum mampu mengawalnya menyebabkan kemarahan di dalamnya menguasai minda Naruto. Lama kelamaan, Naruto berupaya mengatasi masalah tersebut. Tetapi, jika emosinya terganggu, Naruto mungkin akan menggunakan lebih banyak cakra menyebabkan Kyubi menguasainya dirinya semula.

Naruto menewaskan Kabuto dengan jurus Rasengan.
Naruto menjadi lebih berkuasa dengan pertambahan bilangan ekor perisai cakra Kyubi ( sebagian hanya bisa dilihat di manga japan). Sehingga ekor yang ketiga, Naruto masih belum ada tetapi tindakannya lebih buas. Dia mula merasakan kesakitan sebagai akibat kekuatan cakra yang terlalu besar. Apabila Naruto mencapai tahap ‘empat ekor’, Kyubi mendominasi. Kekuatan Naruto bercampur dengan kekuatan Kyubi. Bagi orang lain yang menyaksikan perubahan ini, Naruto kelihatan seperti mini-Kyubi.

Cakra Kyubi adalah jauh lebih kuat dan bahaya daripada chakra manusia biasa. Apabila Naruto menggunakan cakra Kyubi, tubuh asalnya menjadi kian lemah. Pada peringkat ‘empat ekor’, cakra Kyubi terlalu hebat sehingga mampu membakar kulit Naruto menyebabkan darah mengalir dari tiap liang roma. Sementara itu, cakra Kyubi sentiasa memulihkan semua badan rusak Naruto. Kita dicederakan-dan-dipulihkan-semula melemahkan Naruto dan secara alamiah memendekkan jangka hidup Naruto.

Selasa, 10 November 2009

Spain Trip #3: Kambing Panggang Muda Paling Enak di Dunia, Segovia, dan Benteng Avila
Posted on May 11, 2008 by arimgn
Mungkin ini yang dinamakan kenikmatan yang tiada berbatas. Seumur hidup, rasanya baru sekali makan daging kambing panggang yang luar biasa enaknya. Rasanya pas jika ini ditahbiskan sebagai kambing panggang paling enak di dunia.
Saya harus berterima kasih kepada kawan saya yang tengah bertugas di KBRI Madrid. Ia bersama keluarganya lah yang memperkenalkan saya dengan makanan luar biasa lezatnya ini.
Ribs panggang yang saya pesan bernama Cordero Asado En Horno De Lena. Rasanya sungguh nikmat. Empuk, beraroma khas yang menggugah selera, apalagi disajikan ditengah udara dingin musim semi Eropa. Ribs kambing panggang ini disajikan dengan pendamping acar buah olive, bawang merah, dan timun mini yang memiliki rasa yang unik.
Sebagai entrada atau appetizer, disajikan sup udang yang lezat. Udangnya dihancurkan dan dicampurkan kedalam sup krim yang berwarna merah menggoda.
Konon, kambing panggang yang disajikan disini berasal dari kambing muda yang tengah menyusui induknya. Ah, saya pun baru diberitahu setelah selesai makan. Tidak tega rasanya jika saya tahu sebelumnya. Tapi tak perlu khawatir, hampir di semua budaya ada makanan eksotis yang berbahan ini. Di Filipina ada balut. Telur bebek yang hampir menetas direbus dan disajikan di sudut jalan-jalan di Manila. Di Cirebon, semua sate kambingnya dijual dengan embel-embel ‘muda’. Tidak tahu ini betul-betul muda atau tidak – sama mudanya dengan kambing muda yang sedang saya santap ini, atau sedikit lebih dewasa. Entahlah.
Istimewanya kambing muda, selain daging yang empuk dan lezat, bau menyengat kambing yang sering mengganggu penikmat daging samasekali tidak terasa. Konon pula, efek kolesterolnya pun belum ada. Jadi aman buat penderita darah tinggi dan kolesterol.
Nama restorannya adalah El Bernardino. Tempatnya berada di jalur menuju Istana Alcazar di Segovia, di sebelah utara Madrid, ibukota Spanyol. Segovia terkenal dengan bangunan aguaducto-nya. Bangunan masif yang dibangun di jaman Romawi dan berfungsi untuk mengalirkan air dari dataran yang lebih tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah dan berpopulasi di Segovia tua.
Tak jauh dari Segovia, ada sebuah kota tua bernama Avila. Kota ini terkenal dengan benteng yang mengagumkan. Sungguh indah. Rasanya seperti kembali ke jaman dahulu kala. Sungguh kagum rasanya ketika melihat benteng ini terpelihara secara dengan sangat baik sejak pertama di bangun. Oleh UNESCO, tempat ini di jadikan situs warisan sejarah dunia. Ah, mengapa kita tidak bisa seperti ini?
Avila sendiri adalah sebuah kota kecil di utara Madrid dan berada di wilayah Castilla y Leon. Benteng yang menakjubkan ini dibangun di abad 11, dan selesai pada abad 12. Panjangnya lebih kurang 2,500 meter dengan tinggi sekitar 12 meter.